Master Your Macros Boot Camp

Macros are the proteins, fats, & carbs found in the food you eat.

The amount of each you eat, and eat together, sends your metabolism the instructions for how you want it to run.

How your metabolism runs, determines how much energy you have, how good you feel, your weight & ability to change it, your ability to heal, repair, and regenerate, how well you can think, solve problems & create, and plays a role in your moods, sleep, your entire experience of life.

Mastering your macros means learning and understanding the right amounts and combinations for YOUR body, and feeding it those consistently.

Wether you’re in a healing process, or looking to take your performance to the next level, this is the most essential nutrition skill you can have.

Imagine feeling calm and confident around food, knowing exactly what it takes to run your body, and easily being able to provide that to yourself of a regular basis.

Mastering your Macros is a KEY skill when it comes to:

  • Losing weight
  • Balancing your Hormones
  • Healing chronic illness
  • Having consistent energy throughout the day
  • Sleep quality & duration 
  • Achieving high athletic & cognitive performance 

If you want to succeed or excel in any of the above, mastering your macros is mandatory.

The problem is that no one is teaching HOW to master your macros in an easily achievable way, until now. 

When I was first trying to learn this skill, I didn’t understand that it *was* a skill - and that needs to be approached like any other skill - one step at a time, in layers that build on themselves.  

I was told to just do it, and was left frustrated when it just wasn’t all that simple and easy to track all of the foods I ate in a day and then make my intake match these numbers I was given.  

Plus, most fitness & nutrition programs give fairly random macro number assignments, that don’t fully respect the individual’s unique body, and definitely don’t teach how to listen to and interpret information that you body can provide to you, to truly meet your body needs exactly where they are at.  

Because here’s the other thing - macros CHANGE.  It’s not some magic number that you start with and keep doing forever.  And you WANT them to change - if you want to heal, lose weight, or change anything in your body, you’ll USE your macros to do that.

Macros are also PERSONAL. A math equation, algorithm, or rule of thumb can give you a starting point, but it can’t possibly read the complex orchestra of your own personal metabolism.  To do that, you must learn to communicate with your body and interpret what it’s telling you - which part of the process of truly mastering your macros!

*And if you’ve been in the pro-metabolic community for any length of time, not fully personalizing the principles to yourself is the biggest mistake I see. For example following something like 2:1 carbs to protein without taking into context where you’re starting from, or going through the process to communicate with your body about where it’s at, slowly adjusting over time, and arriving at your sweet spot. This is a big factor in the “prometabolic weight gain” that can initially happen, and is also a big factor in people not getting the results they were hoping for.  It’s all easily solvable when you learn to tailor the principles to yourself, which is what they were always meant for in the first place. It’s also a crucial skill for catalyzing prometabolic weight loss.

Mastering your Macros is a PROCESS, that is built of several skills.  It’s a process that once you go through, will serve you beautifully and powerfully throughout your life. 

Mastering your Macros can be broken down into 2 categories, REACTIVE skills and PROACTIVE skills.  You actually need to learn the reactive skills before moving on to the proactive skills.  

"Reactive" in this context is not bad, and it simply means capturing data on what is already happening, and developing awareness and finding your body’s baseline from which you can then make changes, be able to understand what those changes are creating, and gain control over your results.

REACTIVE SKILLS are things like  

  • Measuring food
  • Discovering what C/P/F is in what foods
  • Tracking foods 
  • Discovering your baselines
  • Using technology to make all of it quicker & easier 

PROACTIVE skills include things like

  • Using macro math to get an idea of your optimal intake
  • Using objective & subjective data to communicate with your body 
  • Planning ahead
  • Hitting your targets
  • Knowing how to adapt when you don’t hit your targets
  • Growth Mindset
  • Creating systems to make all of it quicker & easier 

You need them all to be successful in mastering your macros.

I’ve created the Mastering your Macros process over 10+ years of working with people to improve their eating habits & their health.

It’s a process I use with my private clients with great success, and now for the first time, I’m breaking it down and teaching it all to you in a 4 week boot camp.

This is your chance to learn these skills, broken down in an easy to understand format, with step by step instructions to take you through the process.  

This is a pre-recorded class, so you'll have INSTANT access to all 4 weeks when you sign up.  AND, you'll get free access to the next LIVE round the next time I teach it live!

Plus, although I am teaching you how to individualize the material as much as possible, I know you're going to have questions on applying it to yourself!  So you'll also get 4 weeks on access to the private Facebook to get my direct feedback 🙌

This boot camp is an intensive to dive in and learn these skills so you can use them to achieve any health goals you have.

Let’s get to work!

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 Master Your Macros Boot Camp
 $ 400.00 USD
 Master Your Macros Boot Camp
 $ 100.00 USD  ( then $100.00 USD for 3 weeks )

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